Family Christmas photos in my studio

I went to High School with Brittany and Zeke and now (many years later!) here they are with two adorable boys!  I had the priviledge of photographing their first son, Bryson when he was a baby and wow has time flown, he’s grown so much! Both boys were full of smiles and energy, so of course it was a blast capturing all those faces and expressions! Here is Owen’s presidential wave!

This was the cutest thing ever! Bryson’s parents told me that he is really in to being a construction worker.  He plays this all day long, has his “work boots,” walkie talkie, etc! So I decided to build him a little construction set of which he enjoyed rearranging to make it more like a construction site.  When I asked him if he was sure he really would want to be a construction worker when he grew up, since it is very hard work, he said that construction workers love their jobs so much they don’t mind.  From the mouthes of babes…

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